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/ MacAddict 116 / MacAddict 116 (Mac Power Pack)(theDISC)(April 2006).iso / Software / Fun & Games / HoppiX.dmg / HoppiX.app / Contents / Resources / English.lproj / HoppiX.nib / objects.nib (.txt) < prev   
NeXT TypedStream Data  |  2003-12-04  |  14KB  |  323 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. NSIBObjectData
  3. NSObject
  4. NSCustomObject)
  5. NSString
  6. +    HoppiXApp
  7. NSMenu
  8. HoppiX
  9. NSMutableArray
  10. NSArray
  11. NSMenuItem
  12. i@@IIi@@@@:i@
  13. About HoppiX
  14. NSCustomResource)
  15. NSImage
  16. NSMenuCheckmark
  17. NSMenuMixedState
  18. Preferences...
  19. Buy Online...
  20. License Registry...
  21. Check for Updates...
  22. Services
  23. submenuAction:
  24. NSMutableString
  25. Services
  26. _NSServicesMenu
  27. Hide HoppiX
  28. Hide Others
  29. Show All
  30. Quit HoppiX
  31. _NSAppleMenu
  32. AcChen
  33. New Game
  34.     Load Game
  35.     Save Game
  36. End Game
  37. Pause
  38. Game Variant
  39. Theme
  40. Statistics
  41. Show High Scores
  42. Clear High Scores
  43. Paste
  44. Clear
  45. Select All
  46. Window
  47. Full Screen Mode
  48. Minimize
  49. Close
  50. Arrange in Front
  51. _NSWindowsMenu
  52. HoppiX Help
  53. Tip of the Day
  54. Release Notes
  55. License Agreement
  56. Send Feedback...
  57. Visit illumineX Web
  58. Find Mac OS X Software
  59. _NSMainMenu
  60. NSCustomView)
  61. NSView)
  62. NSResponder
  63. @@@@ffffffff
  64. NSTextField
  65.     NSControl)E
  66. NSTextFieldCell>
  67. NSActionCell
  68. NSCellA
  69. Level Time
  70. Elapsed:
  71. NSFont
  72. [36c]
  73. NSColor
  74. System
  75. controlColor
  76. controlTextColor
  77. 00 : 00 : 00
  78. [44c]
  79. 00 : 00 : 00
  80. Classic - Classic
  81. Game World Statistics
  82. Game Time
  83. Elapsed:
  84. Marble Hops This Level:
  85. Marble Hops This Game:
  86. NSView
  87. NSResponder
  88. NSButton
  89. NSButtonCell?M
  90.     ssii@@@@@
  91. pause_off_up
  92. pause_off_down
  93. New Game
  94. newgame_up
  95. newgame_down
  96. Game Statistics
  97. stats_up
  98. stats_down
  99. Change Game
  100. choose_game_up
  101. choose_game_down
  102. Change Graphics
  103. choose_tiles_up
  104. choose_tiles_down
  105. NSMatrix>J
  106. #iiii:::ffffi@@@@@M
  107. diff_off_easy_up
  108. diff_off_easy_down
  109. diff_on_normal_up
  110. diff_on_normal_down
  111. diff_off_hard_up
  112. diff_off_hard_down
  113. Change Graphics
  114. NSImageView
  115. NSMutableSet
  116. NSSet
  117. NSFilenamesPboardType
  118. NSImageCell)N
  119.     stopwatch
  120. TimerBar
  121. NSView
  122.     Time Left
  123.     Hops Left
  124. Score
  125. Level
  126. Max Remain
  127. HoppiXDirectionIndicator
  128. NSView
  129. NSClassSwapper*
  130. HoppiXView
  131. NSOpenGLView
  132. NSOpenGLPixelFormat
  133. NSMutableData
  134. NSData
  135. [20c]
  136. IXSkinningImageView
  137. NSImageView
  138. Marbles Left
  139. IXFullScreenController
  140. NSWindowTemplate
  141. iiffffi@@@@@c
  142. HoppiX
  143. NSWindow
  144. IXMainController
  145. IXPauseController
  146. IXUpdateController
  147. IXHighScoreController
  148. HoppiXPreferencesController
  149. IXTipController
  150. HoppiXGameController
  151. NSDrawer
  152. NSMenuItem1
  153. NSMenu
  154. NSMenuItem11
  155. NSTextField2
  156. NSMenuItem51
  157. NSTextField21112
  158. NSMenuItem1
  159. NSMenuItem
  160. NSTextField21
  161. NSMenuItem102
  162. NSMenuItem8
  163. NSTextField2112
  164. NSMenuItem3
  165. MainMenu
  166. Stats
  167. NSTextField2111
  168. NSMenuItem
  169. NSMenuItem
  170. NSMenuItem311
  171. IXFullScreenController
  172. NSButton211
  173. NSButton2111
  174. NSTextField21
  175. NSDrawer
  176. NSButton
  177. NSMenuItem4
  178. NSMenuItem5
  179. NSMenuItem11
  180. NSMenuItem
  181. NSMenuItem5
  182. NSTextField211
  183. NSTextField1111
  184. NSTextField23
  185. File's Owner
  186. NSTextField11
  187. View2
  188. IXGamePreferencesController
  189. NSMenuItem101
  190. NSMenuItem2
  191. NSMenuItem4
  192. NSTextField2
  193.     NSButton1
  194. NSTextField111
  195.     NSButton2
  196. NSTextField21111
  197. NSMenuItem10
  198. NSTextField1
  199. NSMenuItem6
  200. NSMenuItem7
  201. NSButton21
  202. NSTextField2111
  203. NSTextField25
  204. NSMenuItem3
  205. NSMenuItem1
  206. NSTextField22
  207. NSMenu
  208. NSTextField211
  209. RunixAppDelegate
  210. NSMenuItem2
  211. NSMenuItem31
  212. NSMenuItem6
  213. NSMenuItem2
  214. NSTextField11111
  215. NSTextField111111
  216. NSTextField24
  217. NSTextField212
  218. NSMenuItem1
  219. NSMenu
  220. NSNibControlConnector
  221. NSNibConnector
  222. redo:
  223. copy:
  224. clear:
  225. undo:
  226. paste:
  227. selectAll:
  228. performZoom:
  229. performMiniaturize:
  230. performClose:
  231. arrangeInFront:
  232. hide:
  233. hideOtherApplications:
  234. unhideAllApplications:
  235. NSNibOutletConnector
  236. delegate
  237. fullScreenController
  238. mainController
  239. registerOnline:
  240. showInfoPanel:
  241. checkForNewVersion:
  242.     showHelp:
  243. showReleaseNotes:
  244. showLicense:
  245. emailIllumineX:
  246. launchIllumineX:
  247. manageLicenses:
  248. pauseController
  249. togglePause:
  250. togglePause:
  251. togglePauseMenuCell
  252. newGame:
  253. abortGame:
  254. showPreferencesPanel:
  255. newGame:
  256. preQuit:
  257. worldMenuItem
  258. themeMenuItem
  259. showTip:
  260. tipController
  261. showHighScorePanel:
  262. clearAllHighScores:
  263. highScoreController
  264. contentView
  265. parentWindow
  266. levelTimeField
  267. gameTimeField
  268. gameWorldField
  269. levelField
  270. scoreField
  271. toggle:
  272. runThemeChangePanel:
  273. runWorldChangePanel:
  274. delegate
  275. delegate
  276. skinImageView
  277. timeLeftField
  278.     loadGame:
  279.     saveGame:
  280. togglePauseButtonCell
  281. faceDifficultyMatrix
  282. difficultyChanged:
  283. timerBar
  284. showFindOSXSoftware:
  285. toggle:
  286. hopsLeftField
  287. levelMarblesField
  288. gameMarblesField
  289. marblesLeftField
  290. NSIBHelpConnector
  291. NSToolTipHelpKey
  292. Your current score
  293. $How many marbles remain on the board
  294. The maximum number of marbles
  295. that can remain on the board and
  296. still allow you to pass the level
  297. when you run out of hops, moves,
  298. or time
  299. 1The number of the level you are
  300. currently playing
  301. 8How many more hops you are
  302. allowed to make on this level
  303. *How much time you have left
  304. for this level
  305. *Lets you choose a different
  306. set of marbles
  307. *Lets you choose a different
  308. game variation
  309. %Pause <--> Paws, get it?
  310. Tee hee hee!
  311. Open / Close statistics drawer
  312. Starts a new game, duh!
  313. Chooses a difficulty level
  314. How much time you have left
  315. maxRemainField
  316. directionIndicator
  317. NSToolTipHelpKey
  318. GShows which directions for hops are allowed by the rules of this level.
  319. gameView
  320. initialFirstResponder
  321. toggleFullScreenMode:
  322. IBCocoaFramework